Are you ready for the next heat wave or the great cold snap?

Societal changes are such that employees in Workshops or Warehouses must now be able to identify with the values ​​of the Company and that these values ​​translate into concrete acts often simple to implement such as a cooling environment during a heat wave or a gentle heating during a cold snap.

Mobile air fresheners

ClimNTech devices are evaporative mobile air coolers (called adiabatic coolers).

They use the natural principle of water evaporation, a principle known for millennia. The temperature of the air in contact with water drops very significantly when this water evaporates. This is why it feels cold when you get out of a swimming pool or why it is always cooler in summer by a waterfall.
Easy to move and very easy to use, the ClimNTech allow, by creating a flow of fresh air, to effectively cool outdoor areas, in large volumes, well ventilated or open rooms. on the outside...



It was in the 19th century that astronomer and physicist HERSCHEL demonstrated the existence and calorific properties of infrared radiation.

In the spectrum of light, infrared radiation is electromagnetic radiation with a longer wavelength than visible light, and therefore invisible. He demonstrated that sunlight can transport energy, that is, heat, without contact, through the universe.

ClimNTech devices are also available in ATEX for Explosion Hazard Areas. Comfort and Safety with ClimNTech .

heat is a condition that affects all workspaces, whether indoors or outdoors.
In addition to the climate, heat can be generated by machines that increase the average ambient temperature of the working environment and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), although & rsquo; useful and often necessary, can be an additional source of heat .
The cold is also a condition that affects all workspaces. At work, employees must be subjected to the effects of harmful radiators due to thermal shocks and outside they have the need to cover themselves, which further hinders freedom of movement.

In ATEX Zone, working conditions can be made even more difficult during a heat wave or cold wave.
ClimNTech devices are modified and certified for safe use in ATEX zones by

Visit the ATEX equipment portal.



The CLIMNTECH Products are designed and produced by Industrialists for Industry. They are easy to use, robust with a frame made of thin painted galvanized steel or stainless steel, transportable wherever needed.



The CLIMNTECH Products use natural and long-proven principles that do not require professional maintenance.



CLIMNTECH Products offer the best cost / efficiency ratio in both cooling and heating.



The CLIMNTECH Products exist in different models and sizes to meet most demands, including those in ATEX Zones.



CLIMNTECH Products only use natural physical principles, and their construction materials are all recyclable.



The CLIMNTECH Products are User-friendly but we will be happy to advise and guide you in your requests.
Tel: +33 (0)
